Sunday, September 19, 2010

Living Organisms at My Home and in My Neighborhood

When you take a step back and realize the world around you, you see science EVERYWHERE
After thinking about what I was going to see in my neighborhood, my first thought was of the toad who is always by the front door each night that I come home, and the gecko who is on my back porch steps during the day. Here is a picture that I finally got of the toad (but still haven't seen the gecko)!

The first thing you would see when pulling into my driveway are the flower gardens filled with many colorful flowers.  These are develop by the water, nutrients and photosynthesis they come in contact with. 

After being asked to observe the life around me, I became more aware of what the rain did to the large plants in the garden.  Like the picture shows, the large plant usually stands tall, but soon becomes beaten down by the waves of rain that pass through the town.

Throughout the front yard there are patches without grass, which are growing each day (with the help of fertilizer and water)!  In the grass I spotted an ant bed, where the ants are creating their habitat.

And last but not least, my new puppy, Maci.  She is an example of the animal kingdom that you could spot while walking inside my home- with her friendly and exciting personality!   =)

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